
Opencart tecdoc
Opencart tecdoc

opencart tecdoc

There are 68, car types, 62, commercial vehicle types and 7, motorcycles in the database. Otherwise, you risk being cut off from our database by its protection routines without previous notice.


If you have an urgent reason for the download of certain data, please contact TecDoc about it. Please, note that our Data-User conditions forbid the caching of TecDoc data. The document ID is an integer and part of the response data from some functions e. For the data in the data record objects are used, in order to be able to represent empty results as null. The search results are returned as list of data records or as tree structure. The state must be evaluated at the client, since exceptions at the server are not passed to the client, but are visible as status code.


This contains different information: A status code of the type integer and an optional status text of the type string. The result is returned in a container object. For more information please check the following link. The provider ID will be provided from TecAlliance. It is the first webservice described within this document. The webservice "addDynamicAddress " can be used.

opencart tecdoc

The static ip address or addresses of the mandator are configured by TecDoc based on the information provided by the mandator. It is evaluated to authenticate the mandator and authorize the request together with the ip address of the request. TecDoc assigns this number to each mandator. In each request function there is a parameter provider of type integer.

Opencart tecdoc